After a three year recovery from a near fatal health event author Les Fields decided that writing Derek Dell, Flash Before Your Eyes was imperative.

The book is certainly the adventure one would expect from an author with a resume like his, but, the story takes a very frightening twist that was never publicly known, or, known to any of the character’s friends or family. Secret underwater work of high importance and even higher danger.

The story begins in the present when an elderly Derek is hosting his family for a very special Christmas at his home in French Polynesia. While hunting lobster for a beach party his dive goes terribly wrong. As his life slips away his past begins to flash before his eyes.

The book follows Derek’s career as an original shark wrangler, photographer and dive operator in the early South Pacific. Along this trail of extreme adventure he is recruited into a group of well trained military divers. As a non military man he struggles to gain acceptance with the professional team of private contract divers. The work they do is classified top secret, politically risky and deep water dangerous. In the course of events the most critical mission of them all falls squarely on Derek’s shoulders.

As a dedicated single parent to a daughter he adores, Derek yearns for the simple life he deserves after his years of staggering risk. Older than his colleagues he wants his last contract dive to be the end of his clandestine work. The question is, how does he end his career and survive the dive?

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Bull Shark, Fiji

Bull sharks are the only sharks known to be active predators of humans.

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Soft Coral

Fiji harbors the most prolific soft coral population in the world